When you're building your React components, you'll probably want to access child properties of the markup.
can read its children by accessing the special this.props.children
is an opaque data structure: use the to manipulate them.
this.props.children undefined
You can't access the children of your component through this.props.children
designates the children being passed onto you by the owner.
Type of the Children props
Usually, a component's children (this.props.children
) is an array of components. However, when there is only a single child, this.props.children
will be the single child component itself without the array wrapper. This saves an array allocation.
React Lesson 6: Accessing Child Properties
App has two children BButton and BHeart, all thoes chilren come thought from {this.props.children}.
If you don't have {this.props.children}:
var BButton = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( No passed in! ); } });
We end up with this:
[Notice:] Just remeber when give class to the render elements, we need to use 'className' not 'class'.